


Braintree TechnologiesFELDA
WebMobile AppGIS
React.jsReact NativeMapboxGISTurf.js
My role
Front End Developer (Web & Mobile)

Project overview:

FELDA has introduced Smart Plantation Management Solutions (SPMS) with the use of drone technology for mapping oil palm tree in FELDA plantations. This mapping successfully identifies tree stands, health levels and identifies ‘vacant spots’ that are recorded and can be accessed by the Plan Manager through the SPMS mobile application.

My role:

As a web & mobile app developer, my primary focus has been on utilizing React.js & React Native for developing UI components and displaying data. We extensively used Mapbox for showcasing GIS data through an interactive app interface.

My responsibilities also included:

  • Developing a drawing tool with turf.js for measuring distances and areas between coordinates.
  • Integrating native Android/iPhone features, such as GPS, to monitor user locations and map routes within the farm.
  • Ensuring seamless integration with REST APIs.